Critical Everything was originally published on Grafik (2015), proposing critical challenges for designers and work operating under the terms critical and speculative graphic design and design fiction.
In this essay, Luiza Prado and Pedro Oliveira argue that speculative and critical design are going through a troubled adolescence, alerting to their recurrent shortfalls but also highlighting their potential.
Issue 1 of Modes of Criticism –Critical, Uncritical, Post-critical, with contributions by Francisco Laranjo (editor), Ian Lynam, Randy Nakamura, Brave New Alps, Luiza Prado and Pedro Oliveira, Cameron Tonkinwise, James Langdon and Kenneth FitzGerald.
‘Connect the Dots’ was the title of an evening of two talks on graphic design, politics and criticism at the London College of Communication on the 16 January 2014. The first explored the Conservative Party’s use of the billboard poster prior to the British General Election between 1979 and 2010. The second proposed a definition of the terms ‘critical design’ and ‘critical practice’ through a series of case studies.